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About American Election Services

American Election Services, LLC (AES) was founded in 2009 in Rockville, Maryland by James J. Raitt to provide independent inspector of election, tabulation and certification services for corporations, organizations, and associations.  As a veteran Inspector of hundreds of routine and contested shareholder meetings, Jim was aware of the greatly varied levels of service provided by different individuals in the industry and demanded from inception that AES Inspectors provide uniform and complete Inspector of Election services to each of our clients.

As a result, despite the company doubling in size every two years, each of our Inspectors of Election still provides all the ballots and associated paperwork well before the meeting, then arrives an hour prior with internet connectivity, laptop, and a portable printer requiring no special setup requirements and can usually finalize all the paperwork on-site.

If complete, consistent and uniform services is the first principle American Election Services was founded upon, teamwork was the second.  Contests are handled by our contest team, depositary receipts and foreign private issuers are managed by our international specialist and electronic voting by our electronic voting specialist.  The industry has too many nuances for any one individual to be good at everything, so AES is structured so that every inspector has a support system giving him, or her, access to the experience of everyone else.

With inspectors located nationwide, American Election Services can provide this high level of service with minimal travel expenses.